Wednesday, July 1, 2009


It's July!!! How did THAT happen? I successfully did not post ONE TIME in the month of June. No, not on purpose. Just kinda happened. So I think I will do a little update....
here's what happened in June.

J ust got sick and tired of fighting Valyssa about doing her hair and decided to cut it all off (as you can see). We've been swimming a ton and her hair was a nightmare. I cut it in an A-line and I think it is super cute (yes I cut it)!! It is sooooo much easier to comb through!

U nusual amount of Doctors and Dentist visits this month! It all started with Devin having 2 ear infections. Taylor was next with one ear infection. While they were both on antibiotics Zac got a terrible toothache. We took him to insta-care the first night and then to the dentist the next day. He has an infection in his gum below his tooth. Here we go with the antibiotics again! While Zac is finishing his up, Devin is done with his but Taylors infection didn't clear up so after one more Doctor visit, he is on a second dose. Thank goodness Valyssa has been healthy, knock on wood :)

N ow that it's summer we have made a chore chart. The kids are LOVING this!!! First thing every morning the kids have made their beds, cleaned their rooms, taken the laundry out and vacuumed without my coaxing them at all. They are trying to earn enough points to go to Chuck E Cheese, Jump On It, 7 Peaks and hopefully Lagoon by the time summer gets out. They are working soooo hard!!!

E verything else has to fit on this last letter!! I'll just jam it all in...we all got together down in Wellington for Logans baptism. It was a wonderful day!!! Taylor is still working hard in soccer, he has 3 practices a week. He is also playing Rugby with Matt on Saturdays. Since Derek and I are not officially divorced yet, we celebrated our 10 year anniversary this month. WOW. That's all I'm going to say about that :) I have been running a lot this month with Melissa, we are looking forward to running a 5K in August. It is nice to have a goal to work toward. I also registered to start school at SLCC in August.
Thats all folks!!!


  1. I love Boogs hair...she is too cute! Thanks for coming down to the baptism it was a good day. And thanks for letting Logan use Devin's suit. Tay is getting way too big and he did an amazing job on his prayer. It just made me realize he is not my little Tay-toe anymore :) I guess I've known that for awhile but it really hit me listening to his prayer!

  2. I can't believe you cut her hair. I would totally let you cut mine, it looks sooo good. I hope you run the 5K. I keep saying I am going to do something like that, but just don't. Good for you!

  3. You did a great job cutting her hair. I could never cut hair unless it was with clippers and it was a buzz cut like Ty's. I love that you are my workout buddy now, it helps keep me motivated.

  4. Boogas hair is so adorable. Do you want to cut Abby's? She would love it. You will do great in college.I am excited for you. I really admire you. Love ya.

  5. Sounds like you are staying so busy. I remember those days. I enjoy your blog and keeping up with the news. We've been thinking of you. Hang in there! Love ya
