Friday, July 17, 2009

Devin Scissorhands

I found a big chunk of blond hair cleverly hidden in the garbage can in my bathroom and went looking for some answers...
Me: Booga, did you cut your hair?
Booga: No....Pause.....Devin did.
Me: Devin, did you cut Booga's hair?
Devin: Yes.
Me: Why?
Devin: Because the front was longer than the back, I just fixed it.
We went and had it "professionally" fixed and here is the latest haircut at our house...

Stay tuned...

I'm pretty sure she'll be bald before summer is over.

The End.


  1. It really is cute!!! She is such a doll I think she will be beautiful when she is bald too! Love it! And Devin's answer is the best can't argue with him...the front was longer than the back!

  2. Candee said exactly what I was going to say. I guess great minds do think alike. I believe that scisors should be kept under lock and key at all times. Maybe Devin has found his life time profession without even knowing it. Kids, why can't they be like I am? perfect in every way. What's the matter with kids today? I'm told that I did the very exact thing to my sister Cindy when I was Devins age. I don't believe it though.

  3. That's too funny. That haircut is way cute though. It makes her look older and looks easy to take care of.
