Monday, May 11, 2009

You've gotta see it to believe it

This is a picture of SOME of the kids waiting for the bus in front of our house in the morning before school...they usually kick around footballs, play 500 or play tag. The kids go outside to wait about 15 minutes before the bus comes just to get a little playing time in before school. The bus has arrived and the kids start loading in. I was trying to get this picture snapped before any kids boarded but I wasn't quick enough. So you can feel free to imagine a few more kids in this line up. There are almost 30 kids on a regular day.
This bus stop only picks up the kids on our block!! And there are not any Junior High or High School kids on this bus, just good old Elementary kids!

Still going....
We feel so lucky to be here. I have had so many people in the neighborhood tell me that they cant believe how well my kids have fit in. You wont ever see one of my kids without something to do and someone to do it with. We are truly blessed. We are so grateful to my parents for giving us this opportunity. We love them so much.


  1. We have 2 kids at our bus stop in the morning!!!! lol I am so happy they are fitting in so well. Hopefully we'll see you soon!

  2. We have a ton of kids at our bus stop too. I have to keep Matt and Spencer from getting on the bus. Matt is super excited to go next year and so am I! The girls are in heaven with zac and devin up here. That's all they talk about anymore.

  3. I am glad you guys are doing well and there are so many kids around. Your kids must be loving that.

  4. are you running the 5k or jogging it?

  5. We are so glad you are up here also. I love that I have a new workout buddy now.

  6. We are so glad to have you living with us. It has been a big adjustment for us, but to see both yours and moms feeling of contentment and interaction is worth any toilet flooding ect... that may take place. Hopfully all that needs to take place in the near future will happen smoothly and without big obsticles to overcome. I Love You Nicole and I am enjoying the experience of having you and each of the kids living with us. Please forgive me for my grumpiness and understand that my life is also going through some unwanted bumps in the road. Mom and I are so glad your all here. Love Dad
